IMSA is still coming to CTMP, unlike SRO & NASCAR, while other tracks have lost the WeatherTech Series races altogether (Photo-Ray MacAloney/Canadian Auto Racers)
By: Chris Jameson/
July 4, 2024 

In the words of my hero Peter Griffin, “You know what grinds my gears?” Well what’s been grinding my gears lately (and for a while since to 2024 schedule was announced) is the seemingly endless social media comments regarding IMSA’s GTP cars not coming to Canada for the big race at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park in July.  We get it. You really want to see the series’ top level cars on their only visit to Canada but reasons were given a long time ago, the schedule is set and really, to continue to complain a week in advance of the event is, well, nothing but self-serving in the hopes of continuing a thread you started. 
GTP is NOT coming but we ARE getting a race – and thanks to some scheduling breaks (and conflicts) it looks like some of the GTP drivers will in fact be at the track but running in the LPM2 class – a class which has continued to grow since last year. We also get a full complement of GTD Pro and GTD in Weathertech with a huge complement of Canadian teams and drivers to cheer on. I won’t even bother to mention that there are no Canadians in GTP – teams or drivers … oh sorry, said I wouldn’t mention that.
We get a full slate of on-track activity starting on Friday with the Michelin Pilot Challenge (even more Canadian content to cheer on) plus the VP Challenge which features prototypes and sports cars, plus the first ever appearance by Mazda MX-5 Cup series which I personally, find to the closest, most exciting racing to watch over the past few years. These guys are going to be so much fun to watch and I can see it now … four wide through ten coming to the checkers.
But hey, the GTPs aren’t coming so you are going to stay home “to teach IMSA & CTMP a lesson”.
Get a grip.
Let’s get something straight here, this has nothing to do with CTMP. They are simply the host venue and promoter. The only input they have with IMSA’s schedule is along the lines of, “Yes, the track is available that weekend”. All the hard work and scheduling for a 12-event schedule that runs from January through October that must consider a huge slate of international drivers across eight …. EIGHT of their own sanctioned series with considerations for some of those same drivers competing in series outside their purview, falls on the good folks at IMSA – and they are trying to sort a lot of this out years in advance! Takes a lot of people, coordination – and cooperation to make that happen. I know from personal experience. 
So many have said, “I am going to speak with my wallet and just not go … to teach them a lesson”, but if enough of you do that, the lesson learned by IMSA is, “Well, I guess they’d rather we NOT come at all next year” and for the track, “Well if we lose that race, can we survive financially?”
Those fans end up not only punishing themselves … but all of the dedicated fans who are just happy to be at the track and see some of the best racing on the planet. 
And for the guy who put it out there that he has “an easy solution” for both IMSA and CTMP, I strongly suggest that you go buy, build or rent a track, invite all the major series, and then dictate how you want the race to run and who should show up. Alternately, buy or start a series with multiple classes and integral sanctioned series and put together a schedule that suits everyone including teams, drivers, tracks … and the many, many people you’ll require to make it work.
You said it was easy …
As for CTMP, well, I’ve been reading posts since 2011 when renovations started, full of complaints about something. People endlessly unhappy with the changes … changes that have actually made the track a far better venue for racing and spectating. One of my favourites was “They took out those trees that have been there since forever”, said trees not even existing when I first went to the track in 1964.
But I digress …
CTMP owners, managers and staff have done a masterful job to keep this historic, well-known, well-loved circuit in place. Things change, yes … regulations change, yes (don’t get me started on the people ranting about waiting to get in for general admission camping)  but the track is still there attracting crowds for all manner of events (the huge crowds at VARAC GP in June took even me by surprise) and if we want it to continue, then you need to make your voice heard by opening your wallet and attending events, rather than ‘trying to teach them a lesson’.
You need to remember that we live in a province run by someone enamoured with bulldozers, highways and housing starts – the moraine be damned.
As John Lydgate once said, “You can please some of the people all of the time …” etc.
See you at the track