
Zacharie Robichon (l), Scott Hargrove (c) and Nelson Mason (r) have been announced as the firts TEAMCMS Ambassador.


By: TEAMCMS News Bureau
September 5, 2014 

First Group of Ambassadors Announced

Team Canada Motor Sport (TEAMCMS) is proud to announce its latest effort to elevate the Canadian profile within our sport- the TEAMCMS Ambassador Initiative.

The initial group of Ambassadors, Scott Hargrove, Nelson Mason and Zacharie Robichon will assist in raising awareness of TEAMCMS displaying branding on their drivers apparel and participating in select media and fund raising events.

"To be part of the Team Canada Motor Sport Ambassador Initiative is extremely exciting! Its great to see support for Canadian14090502b drivers and I'm looking forward to a mutually beneficial relationship! The additional guidance will be a big help and I can't wait to see where this goes!" - Scott Hargrove

"The Ambassador Initiative is a welcome program for TEAMCMS and for Canadian motorsport, I'm glad to help raise awareness of TEAMCMS and all Canadians involved. It's time to put more Canadians on the International stage!"- Nelson Mason

"I was very excited to accept the invitation to become a TEAMCMS Ambassador. The Ambassador Initiative is the first of its kind here in Canada and I can't wait to be involved and see it grow."- Zach Robichon

TEAMCMS Ambassador Initiative is as an awareness/outreach program featuring Canadian drivers from various disciplines of motorsport. Goals of the Initiative are to promote Ambassadors activities to a broader audience, provide Ambassadors career opportunities and guidance and to raise awareness of the TEAMCMS brand and its Initiatives.

The Ambassador Initiative will promote the Ambassadors on and off track activities through the TEAMCMS News Bureau. TEAMCMS will provide Ambassadors advancement opportunities presented by means of partners and stakeholders and offer career guidance and support services as well.

For more information please visit teamcms.ca
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About TEAMCMSTeam Canada Motor Sport (TEAMCMS) is a non-profit organization with goals to: Advance the Motorsport Industry in Canada, Elevate the Canadian Profile within the Sport and Raise Awareness of Sustainability In Racing. To achieve our goals TEAMCMS will provide strategic assistance to Canadian individuals through relevant Initiatives including; Driver Development Initiative, Ambassador Initiative, Canadian Motorsport Survey Initiative and Kids Up Front Initiative. TEAMCMS is a very interesting platform whose central rationale subscribes to the theory that we can grow the industry of motorsport in Canada by promoting the individuals. Success on the track solidifies the brand image of Canadian motorsport, positively impacting the industry in Canada.

For more information regarding TEAMCMS : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.